Friday, March 21, 2014

HMG: a primer

     Much has been and will continue to be said about hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin. This pregnancy hormone produced in the placenta has been used in fertility treatments, anti-aging medicine, testosterone replacement regimens, doping, and weight loss scams. Its many off-label uses have lead to perfusion into a wide array of areas, and if you are involved in a strength or physique sport, or any elite sport you've likely at least heard of it being used to prevent testicular disruption from anabolic androgenic steroids. But you probably aren't as familiar with hMG, which is a similar hormone (actually a set of hormones) that, for the purpose of fertility and testicular health, has some interesting aspects that many consider superior to hCG.

     Human Menopausal Gonadotropin, or hMG, is a mixture of gonadotropins secreted by menopausal and post-menopausal women. This life stage tends to include hypergonadism and thus lends itself to the creation of a virtual biological gonadotropin factory. The primary gonadotropins in vertebrates are luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and both are present in large amounts in HMG. HCG may be in the mixture as well in some cases.

     At this point, if you are familiar with male enocrinology, you'll understand why hMG is so valuable for men with secondary hypogonadism (testes can function but brain isn't sending the signal)or who use endocrine-suppressing steroid drugs. LH stimulates the production of androgens in the testes and FSH stimulates sperm production. While hCG mimics LH and doesn't directly stimulate sperm production, hMG is the real thing. It exerts a direct impact on both androgen production and sperm production, making it an effective fertility drug in most cases and providing an excellent tool for men wanting to maintain not only testicular function but fertility while using steroid drugs.

     As with hCG, though, there are concerns for sensitivity with administration in large regular doses.  Too much for too long will have a deleterious effect, desensitizing target tissues to the gonadotropins and reinforcing the negative feedback loop creating the suppression in the first place. Men seeking to use this as a fertility aid or as a replacement for hCG need to consider the other classic hCG issue with hMG as well: aromatase. Aromatase production will spike in response to the pulses of gonadotropins, adding elevated aromatase levels to the mixture of potential problems.

     In summary, what is hMG? It's a stronger gonadal stimulant than hCG, enhancing both testosterone and sperm production. It has the same uses and carries the same potential risks. Please take it upon yourself if you choose to use illicit PEDs to educate yourself so that risk can be minimized and health optimized. It's not just your performance at stake. You have to live with your health forever, so treat it accordingly.

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